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Invitation to National Bus Strategy consultation

The National Bus Strategy

A new National Bus Strategy ( Bus Back Better ) was published by the Government on 15 March 2021. The Strategy requires all Local Transport Authorities to consider their role in encouraging more people to travel by bus as we recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and sets out aspirations for the future of bus service improvements.

The Government’s ambitions in the National Bus Strategy support the Council’s own intentions within the emerging new Surrey Transport Plan , which you may have already provided your views on as part of the Surrey Transport Plan consultation .

The National Bus Strategy requires that Local Transport Authorities prepare Bus Service Improvement Plans by October 2021, which will subsequently be used to formulate Enhanced Partnership Schemes with Surrey Bus Operators.

Bus Service Improvement Plans will set out the future bus network, the expected local measures required to achieve our ambitious initiatives, and their expected impact. They will fulfil the ambition to provide more services where required and higher quality services for our residents and encouraging greater bus use as part of the county’s initiative ‘building back better’ more sustainably. They will also act as a framework to unlock the opportunity for future bidding to secure part of the £3bn funding allocated to Bus Back Better by the Government.

Have Your Say

We will be responding ambitiously and positively to the Government to achieve significant improvements to bus services for our residents. To help us succeed in our ambitious goals we are asking residents to engage with us, so we can understand the things that are most important to them.

Please click here or on the link below to have your say on what is important to you regarding bus services in Surrey, and to let us know about your current bus habits.

Posted on 11th August 2021

by Amelia